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Franciscan Friary, Ennis

Our first full day of touring took us to the well-preserved, historic town friary. The beautiful bridge across the river Fergus set us on the path through time.

Inside the Francsican Friary


Francsican Friary, Ennis

We imagined this land before Columbus when the towering edifice impressed our forebears and housed Franciscans friars, the movers and shakers of early Ennis. The friary is noted for the beautiful, protected sandstone carvings of the life and passion of Christ.

Francsican Friary

Hmm. 800 years old!

Sandstone Relief

Intricately carved relief

As we talked with our tour buddies we realized how many were returning trip-aholics, and took their advice. We asked more questions, sent home more postcards, talked to more locals, read our Rick Steves’ tour book, and loved every minute of our trip.

Staircase leading to nowhere

Ennis, County Clare
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